Anonymous said... Good One!!!!!!! You are insulting yourself and wasting time assessing another soul!!!!!! February 8, 2013 at 10:06 AM
Well, friend: I respect your opinion. You are entitled to your opinion. Yet, I feel that I can explain, on your comments:
comment: ``You are insulting yourself`` : You will not accept, if I praise myself. Besides, praising myself will be a waste of time for me as well as for you. It will be a waste of time for me because, I can know who I am, just by looking through a mirror. Self-praise cannot deceive me. It will be a waste of time to convince you, because I am not trying to sell any goods or services to you. I am not an insurance-agent and I am not selling insurance to you. I am not a religious preacher, so that if I convert somebody, I shall get some $bucks or some sehbAses from my bosses. I have no bosses. I am just a seeker-of-truth. Why I am calling myself a donkey-as though I am insulting myself? : Brief-answer: Any person who treads a path which is different from the path the whole world follows, is a donkey. World is intolerant to departures and deviations. It is immaterial whether the world is incorrect or the deviant is wrong. This is the reason for the sufferings of persons like Copernicus, Galileo, and Socrates.
your comment: wasting time assessing another soul!!!!!!
In the process of this search-for truth, after studying the Complete Works of Vivekananda and the rAmakrishNa kathA sudhAs etc. , I realised that there was some hypocrisy in their preachings as compared to their practices.
Real-waste-of-time arises here, where people believe blindly what gurus say or write, without verifying what they have done.
If we are asked to follow the preachings of somebody, we must invariably assess what he said and what he did. This applies to all gurus rAmakrishNa paramahamsa or Jesus Christ or Gautama Buddha or Shirdi Sai bAbA or Sathya SaibAba. For example if Jesus Christ is depicted as an embodiment of kindness and compassion, with a lamb in his arms, he becomes a great preceptor when he really follows it. Suppose, the very next day, he arranges a feast to his disciples with mutton/goat's meat, we may have to presume that compassion has become fake and a rare commodity in this world.
When people worship blindly, national waste of resources takes place. How? Shirdi SaibAba temples are built all over the country, with a blind belief that he can listen to your desires and fulfil them. Some temples obstruct traffic. Special trains are run, when there is a scarcity of imported diesel and even fishermen and farmers are denied their genuine diesel needs. Corrupt officials, businessmen and industrialists offer quintals of gold to idols of Shirdi Sai Baba. Every-edifice of Shirdi Sai Baba religion is built on made-up stories of his miracles and blind faith. A day will come when Shrdi Saibaba cult will start claiming that it is a minority religion and not a part of Hinduism, just as the Ramakrishna Math has claimed that they were not part of Hinduism. Fortunately, Supreme Court rejected their application.
Nearly 10 billion Rupees have been spent by the Central Government, State Governments and NGOs on organising rallies-essay-competitions-debates-fancy-dresses on SwAmi VivekAnanda's 150th Anniversary. Every speaker, writer on these dais, once mike came to their hands, repeated the sayings of rAmakrishna and vivEkananda, like parrots, without verifying facts. This poor Nation has no time to verify facts-in-depth. If they start verifying facts and talking facts probably they will not get Government grants or probably businessmen do not give them donations or probably, they will have to face cases and get arrested. Anything could have happened. Hence, the moral is: We have to follow the bandwagon. Else, we have to call ourselves donkeys.
In the process, facts and truths become casualties.
RK alive today ....
sleeps and eats the Brahman and not your coir beds and Meats and also you did not understand Tantra....
Were RKP and VivekAnanda tantriks? Were they not philosophers? Please enlighten us.
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